
Mike Giles

Mike is a Chartered Engineer with over 30 years’ experience in Telecommunications product development. He has specialised in the BT “Last mile” access network, focused on Telephony and broadband services.

Specifically TDM, ADSL, SHDSL, VDSL, EFM and VoIP for public and private networks. He has experience in all stages of the product development life cycle including systems, hardware and software. He has extensive knowledge of the principles, technologies and protocols used in computer networks and is continually driven to extend this understanding.

He particularly enjoys researching new technologies for feasibility studies and building proof of concept demonstrators. In the last 7 years he has gained expertise in IT and Information security (CISSP) including ISO27001, Cyber Essentials and CESG CAS-T certifications. In recent years Cloud services and virtualisation have become a larger proportion of Mike’s work. These include Microsoft 365 and Amazon Web Services.